Flavored Girl Condom: Hot Fun With These Tasty Treats
If you have not tried flavored condoms , you are in for a treat . I know you might be questioning why you need to have a condom with taste, but trust me , if you have not played with them, then you have wasted a lot of time .
In all honesty, I could name a few reasons:
The flavor is a pleasure
For your pleasure
So you do not have to swallow
The most important reason, however , is the safety . If you have a new partner, you should always practice safe sex to prevent STDs. Yes, you can get STDs from oral sex. This is why these great flavored condoms were invented to avoid nasty oral GETS .
What are flavored condoms ?
These treats are as typical condoms condoms, but they are tasty!
Otherwise, work like any other condom as prevention of sexually transmitted diseases or unwanted pregnancies, with the added advantage of being flavored for your pleasure.
Imagine you and your partner are in the room. Say you want to give him oral pleasure . You will have no problem with that , but this is a new partner to make you more comfortable and safe and secure. No problem, this is why we have flavored condoms.
Condoms come in different flavors . Unlike many lubricated condoms with these taste so you do not have the taste of germicide. You get the banana flavor , however. Banana is my favorite perfume.
We recommend flavored version of grape , strawberry, cola , mint or better. If you happen to be a homophobic like me , chocolate flavored condom is a must.
Are there other things at home?
Flavored condoms are not the only thing you should add to your enjoyment. If you and your partner really want to mix food and sex (and who does not? ) An edible oil to give it a try.
If you buy a condom and edible oil will get to have a taste of the whole body and it will go crazy with the tantalizing sensations you give .
Edible oil comes in many different condoms flavor flavors. You can get the flavors that match your condoms, or you can get flavors that vary greatly . You can get the banana and chocolate and you have a nice dessert on your lover's body . Be creative .
My Page I : https://www.facebook.com/Datiinggirls
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