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What Men Don't Know About Girl Condom Can Kill You

What Men Don't Know About Girl Condom Can Kill You
What Men Don't Know About Girl Condom Can Kill You

A few weeks ago , I wrote an article in "Dirty Little Secrets of Men" and revealed the secret in the fact that most men do not know much about condoms , except they are a state of mind - murderer, feelings dull, and overall great pain - in-the- ass. At this time , no further details , but judging by your emails, I woke up a number of curious readers. Therefore , I answer with a short treatise on " The Care and Feeding of a prophylactic treatment. " 
What Men Don't Know About Girl Condom Can Kill You

Before you begin, however, I would like to address some questions that might be understandable through your mind , such as: ? " Why educate women on the use of condoms should not give this information to people not having enough contraceptives to be in charge - you will be responsible for a thing can not " ? All the right questions , to be sure. But the bottom line on this issue is : Although the instructions readily available , boys are unfortunately unaware of their lack of knowledge in this area. And if men are ignorant about how to properly apply , remove and discard the condom , women will pay without knowing the price . And with the price of being an unwanted pregnancy or contracting a potentially fatal disease , the need for you to be educated becomes imperative . It may not be your job, but if your guy is misinformed or clueless , still have to face the consequences. 

The first thing to know about condoms is that there were originally developed to terminate a pregnancy. 
What Men Don't Know About Girl Condom Can Kill You

In fact, when they came into existence, its mission was to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases that were apparently executed endemic in parts of the "civilized society." Its use as a method of contraception has not entered into play until over a century later, when scientists discovered that finally provides a barrier to Stealth, clever little bastards sperm could actually limit the number of legitimate and illegitimate children , which could ultimately fight tooth and nail for their share of the inheritance of sperm production . And yes, that pesky penis then stuffed animal protection , has found its way into the hearts , minds and vaginas of our ancestors sexually active . 

But enough digression. 

What Men Don't Know About Girl Condom Can Kill You

Talking about condoms and modern use . As you know , when used properly , latex condoms today is touted to be about ninety -seven percent effective as birth control and offer one of the best defenses against MST keep this side of their tightly crossed legs ( skin condoms animal , then it is supposed to provide protection against pregnancy and a similar sensitivity to the male part , is a less effective method to stop the flow of organisms that cause STDs). So how are these condoms used correctly? 

1 ) Always check the expiration date on the condom , something that men often consider . 
What Men Don't Know About Girl Condom Can Kill You

Although sometimes difficult to do in the heat and little light exciting encounters , but it is vital for the process of actual use. I mean , you do not drink expired milk, and the worst thing you can do is gastrointestinal disorders . Expired condoms can cause death and babies ( a bit dramatic , but still true). 

2) The condom should be put on before the close encounters with the lower lips. 
What Men Don't Know About Girl Condom Can Kill You

The rectum that lingers on the tip of the penis since the beginning of the process of erection can contain sperm and germs transmitted if your partner is infected -STD . Therefore " not rubbing ' without gum. " 

3) The penis must be erect before concealed in a condom. 
What Men Don't Know About Girl Condom Can Kill You

If your optimistic guy wrapped his tail before you to dinner, demand reapply for a new one ( the old one, can be compromised and why take the risk) in case of " vigilance. " 

4) Take new and existing , condom packaging. 
What Men Don't Know About Girl Condom Can Kill You

Tighten the tip to the accumulated air out and create a space for semen is definitely the next ( Do this even if the condom is manufactured with a " peak container " and especially if it is not) . If enough space for the impending geyser is not provided , significantly increases the likelihood of condom breakage . This jet " aniseed " has to go somewhere , after all. And if a " waiting area " law does is not created, effectively expelled semen may break latex, making a mess , literally and figuratively . 

5) Then smooth the condom all the way to the penis. 
What Men Don't Know About Girl Condom Can Kill You

The condom is like homeowners insurance , and you're looking for full coverage. Why ? Because once you get to blister and grinding ' want to make sure that sucker is firmly anchored in place, and the gripping surface more capable, better. 

6) Now, the question of lubrication. 
What Men Don't Know About Girl Condom Can Kill You

Those of you who have read my book , "Every man sees naked ," you know what I'm a lawyer lubrication. And a lot of lubrication when the condom is used is absolutely essential. I do not mean hot , naturally moisturizing organic fluid from the vagina and the excitement and the penetration of the preparation indicated. I mean the kind of lubricant purchased include mild discomfort to Walgreens , hoping you do not run into your boss, your elderly aunt or your pastor . The lubricant must be soluble in water, such as KY Jelly or Stogie . Lotions, butter or petroleum products should never be used with condoms , since its chemical reaction with the latex may compromise the structural integrity of the condom. In other words , avoid these unless you want to get knocked up or infected. Why lubricant ? Because sexual activity and condom creates friction and friction rub you the wrong way . And even if you can not endure a little pain , too much friction may increase the risk of condom breakage (Hey , maybe they should do these things for something a little more sustainable - such as titanium, can be ) . In any case , the lubrication , the less friction . Less friction , the use of more effective preservative . And needless to say ; the lubricant is outside the condom . Grease the inside , then you may find yourself in a treasure hunt in your belly. 

7) Now , a conference germicide. 
What Men Don't Know About Girl Condom Can Kill You

Use of this stealth killer sperm can improve the contraceptive efficacy of condoms. It can be discreetly purchased online or at your local drug store. And condoms are still "pre- lubricated " with a germicide ... more . Whatever your choice, if you are serious about putting off parenthood, germicide is an effective complement to other contraceptive measures. 

8) In order to put the condom has not expired before contact with their genitals . 
What Men Don't Know About Girl Condom Can Kill You

Glaze his erection fully lined with recommended and (finally) crept into her hospital setting lubricant . Then two went at it like rabbits. Now , if you do not want to have rabbits in your future, there is still much to do. Shortly after he has his orgasm, he should hold the condom at the base near his testicles and gently pull the heat of his kidneys. Clearly, you must come and go. You see, as soon as his ejaculation , the man begins to slowly ( and sometimes not so slowly) lose his erection . This progressive " contraction " causes the condom to fit comfortably within and allows the seminal fluid used for the first along its sliding axis and to the outside of the lower part of the condom . And if your man is always included in you, all breaststroke swimmers can escape its way into your underpass, always monitoring the search for a receptive flatter egg. And you do not want that to happen , right? Then gently but firmly insist that " leave the premises " (the vagina, not the house ) shortly after he made his own. 

9) Once you have safely removed , you must have your condom in the garbage. 
What Men Don't Know About Girl Condom Can Kill You

Suggest to him that you should not throw in the toilet because it can clog pipes (not in a good way) . After washing all other remnants of his " love - juice " in your member before returning to bed to wallow in the glow (keeping the penis and vagina at arm's length , so that a few stray but powerful drops to release are lurking in the tip of his penis , they prepared to make his assault on her femininity now unprotected) . 

So there it is . 
What Men Don't Know About Girl Condom Can Kill You

Everything you and your child need to know on how to adequately protect both unwanted pregnancies and the spread of nasty diseases . And although you may think you already know all this, if you use a condom and does not comply strictly with all procedures above, is putting them both in danger. But if you do not feel comfortable talking to him about it , do not hesitate to take literally things in hand . You can reactivate the application, " Grease" , and remove the condom, an attractive positive experience. It probably appreciate your efforts without realizing that their motivation was their lack of knowledge. You protected your ego and your health. And what could be better than that?
What Men Don't Know About Girl Condom Can Kill You

What Men Don't Know About Girl Condom Can Kill You

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