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Girl Condom - Female Condoms Vs Male Condom Effectiveness - Which to Choose?

Girl Condom - Female Condoms Vs Male Condom Effectiveness - Which to Choose?

Girl Condom - Female Condoms Vs Male Condom Effectiveness - Which to Choose?

How do male and female condoms compare the effectiveness of birth control and disease prevention? To choose the best way to stay safe while enjoying the sex, nothing is more useful than some facts. We all know that condom use is one of the best ways to stay safe during sex, but what are the advantages of relatively new female design compared to traditional masculine? 

The good news is that both types work very well when used properly. 
Girl Condom - Female Condoms Vs Male Condom Effectiveness - Which to Choose?

A key factor in the proper use is to ensure that after sex, used condoms content does not come into contact with the genitals of women. An advantage of the female condom in this regard is that women have much more control of the use and dispose. 

What comparative mechanical reliability? 

Girl Condom - Female Condoms Vs Male Condom Effectiveness - Which to Choose?

In a scientific study on the use by women at high risk for sexually transmitted diseases, published in 2005 in the medical journal "Sexually Transmitted Diseases," there was a higher rate of rupture with condoms with condoms female. With both types, problems such as breakage and slippage decrease experienced in their proper use. The scientists who conducted this study concluded that the two were effective in reducing the risk of becoming newly infected with a sexually transmitted disease. The failure rate of condoms in this study was 2.3% and the failure rate for the type of women was 1.2%. 
Girl Condom - Female Condoms Vs Male Condom Effectiveness - Which to Choose?

A medical study published in 2007 in the "American Journal of Epidemiology" condoms found that both models are equally effective in preventing the inadvertent exposure to semen. How these tests are performed was to test the vaginal secretions of women volunteers, both before and after sexual intercourse, then measure the presence of a biochemical marker produced solely by men. If the marker is present after sex, but was not present before, while the woman had recently been exposed to sperm. If the marker was absent, the condom was a success. There was no significant difference in the results of the use of both types in these experiments. 

Girl Condom - Female Condoms Vs Male Condom Effectiveness - Which to Choose?

Another factor to consider in choosing between a male and female design is the possibility that better protects the female condom because of diseases that are transmitted not only in the liquid, but also against diseases transmitted by direct contact with the skin. Since the female type has a greater outer surface, provides protection against transmitted by contact, such as herpes and genital warts disease. 

Girl Condom - Female Condoms Vs Male Condom Effectiveness - Which to Choose?

Some users report that the female condom provides a better overall sexual experience masculine design. Men reported greater sensitivity to polyurethane sheath woman, and women have to give them more control throughout the sexual encounter.
Girl Condom - Female Condoms Vs Male Condom Effectiveness - Which to Choose?

Girl Condom - Female Condoms Vs Male Condom Effectiveness - Which to Choose?

Girl Condom - Female Condoms Vs Male Condom Effectiveness - Which to Choose?

Girl Condom - Female Condoms Vs Male Condom Effectiveness - Which to Choose?

Girl Condom - Female Condoms Vs Male Condom Effectiveness - Which to Choose?

Girl Condom - Female Condoms Vs Male Condom Effectiveness - Which to Choose?

Girl Condom - Female Condoms Vs Male Condom Effectiveness - Which to Choose?

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